
How many iot parking sensors we need for perfect parking system?


Features of iot parking devices: advantages and disadvantages?

iot parking sensors

The problem of parking in a big city is well known-there is a sorely lack of space, and cars have to be parked literally a few centimeters from each other. When you look at the dense rows of cars parked side by side, the thought of experienced drivers who do not know mistakes and are sensitive to dimensions comes to mind. For them, iot parking sensor is helpful.

However, this is far from always the case-it's just that many of them are helped in maneuvers by parking radar, or parking sensor. This complex electronic system, without exaggeration, is indispensable in a metropolis. 

The iot parking sensor and principle of operation

The main task of iot parking sensor  is to facilitate parking: he monitors the distance between the car bodies and objects around. If this distance is too short, a collision threatens-the system gives a warning signal and the driver adjusts the speed.

 The system consists of several parts. These are ultrasonic sensors-there can be two or more of them, in most cases-from two to eight pieces. 

Rules to work

The following rule works: the more sensors, the more accurate, reliable and efficient the system is. Two sensors may not notice, for example, a vertical column, protruding reinforcement-if it comes in a dead zone not covered by the "electronic eye ". The electronic control unit is the "brain" of the entire system, which analyzes information from sensors. 

Based on the data received, the ECU issues sound and (or) visual information about the distance from the car body to the obstacle.

iot parking sensor role of signals

Another element of the system is responsible for the indication-this is a sound signal, a light signal, an LED or LCD display, on which data is easy to display. There are options for displaying iot parking sensor  information in the form of a projection on the windshield. The light / sound / display can be common singly.

Ultra sonic signals


How all the elements in a bundle work: the ultrasonic sensor generates a pulse that is reflected from the surrounding objects and returns back. Having received the reflected signal, the system calculates the time for which the signal passed to the obstacle and returned back. Based on this data, the distance to objects around is easy to calculate. 

The driver is given a signal: the closer the dangerous object is, the more often the beeper sounds. The sound can be of different frequencies-when the front and rear sensors react. It is also convenient if information is shown on the display.

The iot parking sensor

There are also options with an iot parking sensor  -capacitive parking systems-but they are not as popular in USA as traditional ultrasonic ones. The "working body" of such a parking sensor is an aluminum antenna tape. This comes from the inside bumper, therefore it is also famous as tape. 

At the same time, he also has disadvantages. So, the radar measures the distance only when it changes-that is, while driving. As soon as the car stops, the "buzzer" stops. This can bring unpleasant surprises in a number of cases.
iot parking sensors 2021

 According to the reviews of drivers testing such devices, their reliability also leaves much impressive. In some cases, the parking sensor noticed an obstacle and reacted too late.

Purpose and functions of iot parking sensor

So, smart and practical equipment is an indispensable assistant that allows you to safely park your car. Another purpose of iot parking sensor  is to make it possible to drive safely through a narrow section. Parking sensor may have additional functions:

  • The ability to connect a rear view camera or monitor;
  • The ability to select a warning signal
  • The display can be not only direct, but also inverted or inverted mirrored,
  • The volume of the sound notification is easy to adjust;
  • Each car owner sets the threshold himself, focusing on his wishes;
  • Operation of the system in an autonomous mode
  • With information output on the LED indicator in digital form and voice sounding
  • Self-diagnosis of faults when the device turns on;

Extension memory option

 The two bars, spare wheel, or other elements in the iot parking sensor  range can protrude beyond the bumper, which can lead to false alarms. Entering data on external elements into the device's memory allows you to prevent such a situation, and will enable the equipment to respond only to real, real obstacles.

Blind spot monitoring

 The sensors are easy to set to operate in the best way. The system informs the driver about the detected dangerous objects in the blind spots. This is important not only when parking, but also during lane change maneuvers, during turns. A "smart" system is able to distinguish potential danger from objects that do not pose a threat. In addition, the system is easy to equip with a wireless display.

How to choose an iot parking sensor: recommendations

Today the choice of iot parking sensor  devices is very large, and it is difficult to navigate, to find a really good device. When choosing, you need to take into account several important points.

Manufacturing company

It is best to buy systems in car dealerships (including online stores), where you can get information about the product and advice and recommendations from a seller who is ready to explain all the nuances. Give preference to better known, proven brands. The cost of the device is not so high as to save on quality. 

 Number of iot parking sensor

The number of sensors also matters. The simplest and cheapest systems come with two, but for correct operation of the rear iot parking sensors , 4 sensors we need. It is also better to put 4 in front, but you can get by with two.

Range of action

The operating range adjusts by adjusting the sensitivity. The sensing distance of more than 1.5 m is not effective, and then the devices "catch" the road surface. But a distance of 80 cm is optimal in most cases.

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